I woke up this morning to this face greeting me. A wild mane of red hair flying in every direction but down! Here is front View and the back. Can you say Bed Head ?!
It was at this moment I decided Keeg need a real true hair cut. not just a trim around the neck and ears, but a full blown boy hair cut. I picked up the phone, dialed and got him in to the most wonderful place. Cookie Cutters (Kids Cuts).
Since Kallie is also looking like a child with no mother, and hair all over the place, I thought why not get her in for a little trim as well.
Here are the cute chairs they have the kids sit in and watch a movie of their choice and the activity begins! Keeg got the car that strapped him in and Kallie picked out the police cruiser...not the girly pick Cadillac, but the Police car...go figure.
Here are the after shots of my handsome prince and my beauty queen. They put Kallie's hair in a cute pony tail updo, so you can't see the real end product. Let's just say they took about 2.5 inches off the back and blended in the layers...super cute.