Monday, June 1, 2009

Field Trips

Field Trips are the best part of school. I was lucky enough to be able to help out in each of the girls classes this year. We had a lot of fun and I think the girls thought it was cool that mom got to go. (at least they think it is cool now.)

Kallie's class was doing a unit on safety. During the fire safety week, we got to go to the fire station down the street from our house. What a neat experience. Their kitchen is beautiful and nicer than my own... but then again they probably actually cook in theirs! The kids thought the fire truck was the best part. I have to admit, they are pretty cool. It is amazing all the gadgets and thing-a-ma-jigs on the truck. The fire fighters were great with the wild kids, it is wonderful how patient they were.

Here is a picture of the kids and the cool fire truck.

Shantel's class had a trip to the Thanksgiving Point's farm a while back. We saw all the baby animals and learned about them.
Shantel's class
A very friendly cow.

What is this?? Should I be worried that they are holding hands already? This little boy is Tyler and apparently Shantel has a little crush on him. She used the "hold my hand so we stay together" line; and then never let go. I don't know where she learns such things.

Sigh... she better knock that off for another 20 years!


The Lilly's said...

Did her daddy see this picture?! Look out, you're gonna be in for it when she's a teenager!

The Woodlands said...

Sorry, but that has got to be one of the sweetest things. They're holding hands! Awww! But I agree, there may be trouble in the teenage future. I have to say that Shantel may be a smooth operator.

Jer + Lu said...

Ooh lala! A girl that takes after her mom! Now you know EXACTLY what you're in for!!